Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Giveaway: quilting books

Gayle Bong is having a giveaway over at her blog--enter to win one of two of her own quilting books!

Giveaway: Fat Quarters and some candy!

Stop by Allie Kat Mom for the chance to win five spring-themed fat quarters and what appears to be a large Hershey bar.

DIY Dish giveaway!

Check out this awesome giveaway over at the DIY Dish--you could win one of two Janome machines!

Even if you don't win, their free series of web videos on crafting looks good so far. You can view the first episode below:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another giveaway at Notes from a Very Red Kitchen

Enter here to win a fat quarter bundle.
Click over to the Twilight Quilters Coven to check out a giveaway they're having. And yes, it sparkles.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Win a Moda Jelly Roll at Green Fairy Quilts

Another giveaway: visit Green Fairy Quilts for a chance to win a Moda jelly roll--ends "sometime this weekend" so make it quick!

Another giveaway...

Also, don't forget to check out Banaghaisge's quilt giveaway:


It could end any time, so be sure to visit soon!

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

Claire at Claire's Chaotic Corner is having a great giveaway to celebrate her first completed year of quilting. Check it out for a chance to win a Moda layer cake:
